Replacement blades for the swivel knife from Barry King, made to last. Carve leather with ease using various sizes of either a straight or angled blade. These swivel knife blades will fit any Barry King swivel barrel.
Replacement swivel knife blades from Barry King.
Replacement blades for the swivel knife from Barry King, made to last. Carve leather with ease using various sizes of either a straight or angled blade. These swivel knife blades will fit any Barry King swivel barrel.
Jack Tidaback (verified owner) –
j.r.burkhart (verified owner) –
Gary Odlum (verified owner) –
George (verified owner) –
Excellent product by Barry King! Thank you for carrying these items!
Leo Fowler (verified owner) –
Will buy again for sure thanks. Fast on their shipping!
Riley Hayes (verified owner) –
Quality of these blades is great. Personally I probably won’t use the 1/4” blade as much as my 3/8” but it’s still good to have.